Soňa Nováková

PhDr. Soňa Nováková, CSc., MA

  • e-mail:
  • office: room 110 (Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha)
  • office hours: by e-mail appointment

Having received an M.A. (with distinction) in British Cultural Studies at the University of Warwick (UK) and a PhD in English literature at Charles University (Czech Republic), Soňa Nováková taught briefly at Texas A&M University (USA) and then at the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Charles University, Faculty of Arts. She is a frequent contributor to Prague Studies in English and Litteraria Pragensia, and has published articles in a number of international publications. She participated in conferences both in the Czech Republic and abroad (UK, France, Greece, Turkey, Austria, USA etc.). Her research interests include early modern, Restoration and eighteenth-century literature, particularly fiction written by women; postcolonial issues (especially writing of the African and Asian diaspora in Britain, and travel writing); gender studies; contemporary British literature (mainly women novelists).

Soňa Nováková welcomes thesis proposals in the following areas: British cultural studies; English literature of the Renaissance, Restoration and eighteenth century, particularly early modern drama and fiction written by women or other relevant issues related to the socio-cultural/textual construction of early modern femininity; postcolonial issues (especially writing of the African and Asian diaspora in Britain, and travel writing from the early modern era to the twentieth century; gender studies; contemporary British and global anglophone literatures.

Selected publications

“‘I Never Lik’d Thee Half So Well In Petticoats’: The Disguise Of Gender In Restoration Drama.” AUC Philologica 2 (2022).

“Dcera jako literární hrdinka v proměnách anglického románu na přelomu 18. a 19. století.” Hrdina – antihrdina – superhrdina – nehrdina v kulturním prostoru minulosti a současnosti. Eds. Petr A. Bílek, Martin Procházka, and Jan Wiendl. CUFA Press, 2016.

“Em/Bedded Narratives: Marriage, Seduction and Adultery in theEnglish Eighteenth-Century Novel.” Prague Studies in English: Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 1 (2016), available in open access

“Mine Want Their Learning, Reading, Language, Wit’: Women’s Writing on Shakespeare, 1664-1775.” ‘Tis to Create & in Creating Live’: Essays in Honour of Martin Procházka. Eds. Ondřej Pilný and Mirka Horová. CUFA Press, 2013.

“‘… her yielding Shape’: Eighteenth-Century Fiction and the Ambivalence of Women’s Urban Experience.” Litteraria Pragensia 20:40 (2010).

Závěrečné práce

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