Tereza is a PhD student at the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Her dissertation focuses on the genre of the Victorian ghost story and attempts to define what differentiates it from other strains of Victorian popular literature, as well as from ghost stories in other time periods. She is aiming to establish a corpus of relevant stories by studying the original publications which printed them, such as Dickens’s Household Words and All the Year Round as well as other magazines, for example Argosy, Belgravia, and Temple Bar.
Her research interests include the Gothic genre, 19th century fantastic literature and Victorian popular literature. As part of her PhD studies, she took part in the Erasmus + 2018 New Faces program focused on viewing Shakespeare’s work in the light of modern-day challenges, especially the refugee crisis.
Contact: tereza.hermanska(at)seznam.cz
“Towards a Definition of the Victorian Ghost.” American and British Studies Annual, vol. 2019, pp. 166-174.
“The Role of Light and Vision in Two Victorian Ghost Stories.” Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2019), pp. 90-121
“Law and Mercy in The Merchant of Venice.” New Faces Students’ Best Essays Collection. 2018.
Breaking the Boundaries, 11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies (2020): “Ghosts and Spectres: The Figure of the Apparition in Victorian Ghost Stories.”
Victorian Encounters and Environments (2020, University of Greenwich, London, online conference): “My knowledge gives me a safeguard: Science and Doubt in Three Late Victorian Vampire Stories.”