Alois Bejblík (2 January 1926, Prague – 23 June 1990, Prague) was a translator and scholar of English and theatre studies. He studied English and Czech philology and comparative literature at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. In 1967, he spent a year at Cambridge on a scholarship. From 1983, he taught at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He translated from English, French, and Italian, and focused on Elizabethan poetry, drama, and prose.
Translations (selection)
- William Shakespeare: Sen svatojánské noci, Komedie masopustu, Macbeth, Bouře, Oko za oko, Othello, and other plays
- Francis Bacon: Nová Atlantida, Eseje
- John Webster: Vévodkyně z Amalfi
- Philip Sidney: Astrofel a Stella
Bibliography (selection)
- John Webster: 3 pohledy na jeho dílo (1949)
- Alžbětinské divadlo: Shakespearovi předchůdci (1978), Shakespearovi současníci (1980), Drama po Shakespearovi (1985), together with Milan Lukeš and Jaroslav Hornát
- Shakespearův svět (1979)
- Život a smrt renesančního kavalíra (1989)
- Shakespeare a dobrá královna Anna (1989)