Valeriya Sabitova

My research focuses on the concept of violence in its interplay with the body and affect in visual arts, theatre, and performance. Since my Master’s Thesis “Brophy, Deligny, and Guattari: the Avant-Garde as Subsumption and Stratification” I have become interested in how certain terminological apparatuses engender theoretical foreclosures. Thus, continuing to tread the interdisciplinary paths, my Ph.D. research “Sensation and Affect: Embodiment of Violence in Visual Arts, Theatre and Performance” inspired by the works of Francis Bacon, Sarah Kane, Kara Walker, and Marina Abramović, centers on the rupture of the continuum of the body – sensation – affect once violence, both in narrow graphic and wider philosophical sense, is at stake.

My other academic interests include:

  • Performance and theatre studies
  • Experimental theatre and immersive performance
  • Cinema and film studies
  • Representation of violence in theatre and performance
  • Philosophical and phenomenological theories of violence
  • Body, sensation, and affect in philosophy, phenomenology, and arts


Courses taught:

Cinematic Body Horror. BA, MA course. Charles University / Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Winter Semester 2023/2024

Samuel Beckett and Sarah Kane: The Media of Violence. BA, MA course, Charles University / Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Winter Semester 2022/2023

Publications :

“Precarious Dialogues with “Inner Plantation” in Kara Walker’s Silhouette and Sculpture Installations.” Literaria Pragensia 32: 64 (2022). DOI:10.14712/2571452X.2022.64.6.

“Luigi Pirandello and Francis Bacon: Sensation and Representation.” Pirandello Studies 41 (2021).

Conference Presentations:

Sabitova, Valeriya. 2024. “Sensation and Affect: Embodiment of Violence in Visual Arts, Theatre and Performance.” PhD Forum. Theatre in the Digital Age. 32nd Annual CDE (the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English /Deutsche Gesellschaft für das englischsprachige Theater und Drama der Gegenwart e.V.) Conference, May 2-5, 2024 Innsbruck, Austria: University of Innsbruck, Department of English.

Sabitova, Valeriya. 2023.“The Case Study: Sarah Kane, 4.48 Psychosis.“ PhD Forum. Theater & Community: Poetics, Politics, Performances. 31st Annual CDE (the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English /Deutsche Gesellschaft für das englischsprachige Theater und Drama der Gegenwart e.V.) Conference, June 08-11, 2023. Erfurt, Germany.

Sabitova, Valeriya. 2022.“Theatricality and the Visual.“ PhD Forum. Theatre and the City. 30thAnnual CDE (the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English /Deutsche Gesellschaft für das englischsprachige Theater und Drama der Gegenwart e.V.) Conference, June 23-26, 2022 Paris: Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.

Sabitova, Valeriya. 2022. ” The Art of Kara Walker: Culture as Visual Interface.” Culture as Interface and Dialogue Conference, Prague. May 28, 2022. Prague: Charles University.

Sabitova, Valeriya. 2022. ” Violence of the Visual.” Anglophone Conference Coneference, Hradec Králové. March 23-24, 2022. Hradec Králové: Universtity of Hradec Králové.


2022 – present: CDE. The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English: Germany

2024 – present : CZASE. Czech Association for the Study of English: Czech Republic


Interdisciplinary Connections and Ruptures:  Arts, Science, Technology. Moderator. Panel Discussion. Prague Microfestival Micro-Lab, October 19, 2023,


2021 – Vilém Mathesius Foundation for the Promotion of English and American Studies in Prague. 1st Prize for M.A. Thesis Brophy, Deligny, and Guattari: The Avant-Garde as Subsumption and Stratification.




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