David Vichnar

David Vichnar, PhD

  • e-mail: david.vichnar@ff.cuni.cz
  • office: room 219b (Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha 2)
  • office hours: by e-mail appointment
David Vichnar holds a double PhD from Charles University and Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. Apart from lecturing at the DALC, he teaches at ECES and at the University of South Bohemia. He works as an editor, publisher and translator. His publications include Joyce Against Theory (2010), Hypermedia Joyce (co-edited, 2010), Thresholds: Essays on the International Prague Poetry Scene (edited, 2011), Praharfeast: James Joyce in Prague (co-edited, 2012), Terrain: Essays on the New Poetics (co-edited, 2014) and Subtexts: Essays on Fiction (2015). Forthcoming in 2021 with Karolinum Press is The Avant-Postman: Experiment in Anglophone & Francophone Fiction in the Wake of James Joyce, a momental study of 50 post-war writers continuing in Joyce’s avant-garde project under postmodern conditions. He translates into English from Czech (Louis Armand, Snídaně o půlnoci, 2013), German (Melchior Vischer, Second through Brain, 2015) and French (Philippe Sollers, H, 2015). His English translations of contemporary Czech poetry have appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation and online on the Versopolis platform. Vichnar co-organizes Prague Microfestival, an annual festival of the arts, combining contemporary writing with art, film, theory & performance, and manages Litteraria Pragensia Books and Equus Press. His research and teaching areas include James Joyce studies, modernism & modernity, 20th century experimental literature, historical & postwar avant-garde, contemporary fiction, and historical & modern literary theory.

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