Emanuela Maltese

Emanuela Maltese is Ph.D. student at the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, CUFA. Her research focuses on a postcolonial and feminist re-reading of James Baldwin’s oeuvre. She also holds a Ph.D. in “Cultural and Postcolonial Studies of the Anglophone World” (2011, University of Naples “l’Orientale”, Italy). Her interests include postcolonial studies, the black radical tradition, black feminism, gender studies, African-American and Afro-Caribbean literatures. She has recently translated into Italian The Undercommons. Fugitive Planning and Black Study by Stefano Harney and Fred Moten (2013), and has published articles on Haitian-American diasporic encounters, spirituality and feminism, resistance and anti-racism strategies through literature, video performance, and art.

Contact: emanuelamaltese (at) yahoo.it


Undercommons. Pianificazione fuggitiva e studio nero. (The Undercommons. Fugitive Planning and Black Study by Stefano Harney and Fred Moten, Minor Compositions Books, 2013). Emanuela Maltese, translator. Tamu Edizioni & Archive Books: Napoli, Milano, 2021. (ISBN 9791280195029).

“Fugitively Crossing the Ocean: James Baldwin’s Love and Consent to Be in Trans/Trance” in Vit Bohal, editor. Trans*migrations: Cartographies of the Queer. Litteraria Pragensia Books: Prague, 2020. (ISBN 978-80-7671-002-3), available in open access

“‘What Will Be of All That Beauty’. Traducendo la bellezza nera on James Baldwin” in Carmela Giordano, curator. Risonanze III. La memoria dei testi dal medioevo a oggi. Liguori: Napoli, 2020, pp. 121-134. (ISBN 978–88–207– 6901– 7).

“Dalla morte d’oggi alla cura politica del sé: archivi, monumenti e frammenti” in Iain Chambers, Lidia Curti, Michaela Quadraro, curators. Ritorni Critici. La sfida degli studi culturali e postcoloniali. Meltemi: Milano, 2017, pp. 159-167. (ISBN 978-8-8835-3790-5).

“Photography of the Moors at the Romanian Embassy of Prague” in Dòwòti Désir, author and curator. Goud Kase Goud: Conjuring Memory in Spaces of the AfroAtlantic. Gran Bwa Press: New York City, New York, 2014, pp. 4-5. (ISBN 978-1-304-72244-7)

“U.S./Haiti through the Looking Glass.” Il Tolomeo. Articoli, recensioni e inediti delle Nuove Letterature, n.13, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2010, pp.36-38 (ISBN 978-8-8880-2858-3).

“‘What is the Truth?’: Ezili, or the Power of Feminist Love.” Journal of Haitian Studies, vol. 16, n. 1, Center for Black Studies Research at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 2010, pp. 87-94 (ISBN: 978-0-8139-2803-6).

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