Senior Lecturer in English Literature and Literary Translation. A graduate of Charles University, he became a member of the department in 1990. He has published articles, principally on late nineteenth-century issues, in Prague Studies in English and other academic journals. His recent research includes Czech reception of major English writers. He has contributed to Slovník spisovatelů: Anglie aj., and other encyclopaedias. His translations include both fiction (R. Harris: Pompeii, K. Vonnegut: God Bless You Mr Rosewater, etc.) and non-fiction (R. Barnard: The Short History of English Literature, etc.). As a member of Obec překladatelů (The Czech Society of Translators) he has presided over the prestigious Cena Josefa Jungmanna (Josef Jungmann Award), awarded for the best translation of the year. He is also a member of CZASE/ESSE, The International Association of University Professors of English and Kruh moderních filologů (Czech Modern Language Association).
Zdeněk Beran welcomes thesis proposals in the following areas:
19th- and 20th-century English literature, literary translation (history, analysis of texts)
“Praga Magica: Prague as a Place of Memory and Vision in George Eliot, Anthony Trollope and George Sand.” AUC PHILOLOGICA 2022: 2, available in open access
“English Literary Studies in the Czech Republic.” Studies of Anglophone Literatures in Central Europe. Ed. Wiesław Krajka. Peter Lang, 2019.
“Básnická podstata Zábranových překladů z angloamerické literatury.” Jan Zábrana: básník, překladatel, čtenář. Eds. Eva Kalivodová and Petr Eliáš. Karolinum, 2018.
“Metafictionality, Intertextuality, Discursivity: Ian McEwan’s Post-Millennial Novels.” Prague Studies in English, AUC Philologica 1/2016, available in open access
“Paterův Emerald Uthwart aneb hrdinství jako ambivalentní pojem viktoriánského písemnictví.” Hrdina – antihrdina – superhrdina – nehrdina v kulturním prostoru současnosti a minulosti. Eds. Petr A. Bílek, Martin Procházka, Jan Wiendl. CUFA Press, 2016, available in open access