In 1929, a generation of legendary personalities of the Prague English and American Studies was born. As students at the Faculty of Arts, they were renowned for their brilliant results. Later they themselves became university lecturers, excellent translators and leading experts in different academic subjects. This year, they celebrate their eighty-fifth birthday. Some of them, such as doc. Jaroslav Hornát, are sadly no longer with us, but five of them could join us for a friendly gathering organised by the Department of the English Language and ELT Methodology and the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures: Dr Jarmila Emmerová, Dr Eliška Hornátová, Dr Alena Jindrová-Špilarová, doc. Eva Masnerová a Dr Miroslav Jindra. The current lecturers in English and American studies introduced their work and achievements and shared their personal memories of them with the audience. Photographs by Jiří Stibor.