Pavla Veselá

Pavla Veselá, PhD, MA

  • e-mail:
  • office: room 219c (Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha 2)
  • office hours: by e-mail appointment

Senior lecturer in American studies and literature. She holds a PhD in comparative literature from Duke University, an MA in gender studies from CEU Budapest, and an MA in English and American Studies from Masaryk University Brno. The focus of her research has been modern Anglophone and Slavic (Russian, Czech) literature, particularly utopias, science fiction as well as minority and migrant writing. She has presented her work at international conferences and other cultural events in the Czech Republic, Portugal, Ireland, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States, among others.

Pavla Veselá welcomes thesis proposals in the following areas:

BA, MA and PhD: 19th and 20th century American literature and culture with a focus on utopia, science fiction, minority and migrant writing

Selected recent publications

The Polyphony of Utopia: Critical Negativities Across Cultures from Bellamy and Bogdanov to Yefremov, Piercy and Butler, Peter Lang, Ralahine Utopian Studies, 2024.

“’Devise the Art of Waking Easily from Dreams’: Velimir Khlebnikov’s Utopian Proposals.” Utopian Possibilities: Models, Theories, Critiques. Ed. Liam Benison. Porto: UPorto Press, 2023, available in open

“New York 2140: Utopia in Five Movements.” Extrapolation 64: 1 (2023).

“‘The Moving Horizon of Classless Harmonies’ in Darko Suvin’s Poetry.” Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica 2 (2022), available in open access

“What is an Intentional Community?” Comunidades intencionales: utopías concretas en la Historia. Eds. Juan Pro and Elisabetta di Minico. Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 2022, available in open access

“Darko Suvin, Communism, Poetry: Communicating Vessels (Some Insubordinate Essays, 1999-2018).” Utopian Studies 33: 3 (2022).

“On the Way to Nowhere: The Revolutionary Politics of Time in The Pilgrims of Hope.” The Journal of William Morris Studies XXIV: 4 (2022). 

“Reading Lyman Tower Sargent Along with William Morris.” Utopian Studies 31:2 (2020).

“Krátký úvod do anglofonní (vědecko) fantastické poezie.” Bohemica litteraria 21 (2018), available in open access

“Poetry in Utopian Prose.” Open Library of Humanities (Imaginaries of the Future 02: Politics, Poetics, Place) 3(2): 16 (2017), available in open access

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