The New American Poetry and Cold War Nationalism. By Stephan Delbos. Palgrave Macmillan.
The Power of the Impossible: On Community and the Creative Life. By Erik S. Roraback. Winchester, UK / Washington DC, USA: Iff Books.
The Philosophical Baroque: On Autopoietic Modernities. By Erik S. Roraback. Leiden, The Netherlands; Boston, USA: Brill.
Between Two Fires: Transnationalism & Cold War Poetry. By Justin Quinn. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Ruins in the New World. By Martin Procházka, Prague: Litteraria Pragensia Books.
Lectures on American Literature, Third Edition. Edited by Justin Quinn. Prague: Univerzita Karlova v Praze.
Transformation, Translation, Transgression: Native American Culture in Contact and Context. Edited by Raeschelle Potter-Deimel and Klára Kolinská. Litteraria Pragensia, vol. 21, no. 42.
The Dialectics of Late Capital and Power: James, Balzac and Critical Theory. By Erik S. Roraback. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
American Errancy: Empire, Sublimity and Modern Poetry. By Justin Quinn. Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
Contemporary Aboriginal Literature in North America. Edited by Klára Kolinská and Brigitte Georgi-Findlay. Litteraria Pragensia, vol. 15, no. 30.
American Gothic. Edited by Martin Procházka and Charles L. Crow. Litteraria Pragensia, vol. 14, no. 28.
Gathered Beneath the Storm: Wallace Stevens, Nature and Community. By Justin Quinn. Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
Interpreting Machines: Aesthetics, History and Allegory in Hawthornes’s Tales. Edited by Martin Procházka. Litteraria Pragensia, vol. 10, no. 19.