Ludmila Volná

PhDr. Ludmila Volná, PhD

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Ludmila Volná teaches courses on Indian writing in English. Her research interests include the Indian novel in English, Indian culture and civilization, and also Czech culture. She has two (co-)edited volumes to her credit, Children of Midnight: Contemporary Indian Novel in English (Pencraft International 2012) and Education et Sécularisme: Perspectives africaines et asiatiques (L’Harmattan Paris 2013), as well as a number of papers published in anthologies and peer-reviewed journals, such as Archiv Orientální, Quarterly Journal of African and Asian Studies: Czech Academy of Sciences (Praha),  CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Purdue University Press), or Editions A3 (Paris).

Ludmila Volná has also presented her results in a number of invited lectures and conference papers in different countries of Europe, Asia and America. She conducts her research at Institut des Mondes Anglophone, Germanique et Roman Université Paris XII, at Equipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Aires culturelles Université de Rouen and at Société d’ Activités et de Recherche sur les Mondes Indiens (Paris), and is a member of several academic associations, i.e. Indian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (Delhi), where she is also a representative for non-India membership. She is also active on editorial and advisory boards of academic journals.

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