Hana Ulmanová

PhDr. Hana Ulmanová, PhD, MA

  • e-mail: hana.ulmanova@ff.cuni.cz
  • office: room 219c (Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha 2)
  • office hours: by e-mail appointment

Senior lecturer in American literature. Research interests include contemporary American literature, American Jewish literature, Southern literature. Translator of works by, among others, Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, Eudora Welty, Bernard Malamud, Isaac B. Singer. Literary critic for both daily newspapers and cultural magazines and for the Czech Radio (Vltava).

Hana Ulmanová welcomes thesis proposals in the following areas:
contemporary American literature, American Jewish literature, American Southern literature

Selected publications

“God, What a Beauty.” Eudora Welty Review 10 (2018).

“The American South in the Czech Cultural Context.” Southern Exposure: Essays Presented to Jan Nordby Gretlund. Syddansk Universitet, 2017.

“Passing as a Jew in Roth’s American Pastoral and The Human Stain.” The Wordliness of Philip Roth. Litteraria Pragensia 25:49 (2015).

“Teaching Faulkner in the Czech Cultural Context: A Few Rather Personal Notes.” Faulkner at Fifty: Tyrons and Tutors. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

“In Search of a Literary Canon.” ’Tis to Create and in Creating Live: Essays in Honour of Martin Procházka. Eds. Ondřej Pilný and Mirka Horová. CUFA Press, 2013.

Americká židovská literatura. Jewish Museum Prague, 2002.

Závěrečné práce

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