Ivan Blatný, Langston Hughes: Translation, Transnationality, and the Blues

What were the intertextual relationships between the African American poet Langston Hughes and the Czech poet Ivan Blatný? How did Blatný employ English in his poetry, how did Hughes use references to Czechoslovakia? How do poets and poems move across languages and power blocs and what were other literary relationships between the Czech lands and the African American cultural community? And what roles does translation play here?

These are some of the questions we will be discussing on May 19, 2023, at the Institute of Czech Literature (Na Florenci 3, Praha 1) with Julie Hansen, Charles Sabatos, and Justin Quinn.

The discussion, co-organized by the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS and CEFRES, will take place in English (or rather, it will move between English and Czech) and will be moderated by Františka Schormová.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
19th May 2023 10:00 - 11:30
Místo konání
Institute of Czech Literature, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Webové stránky
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Úvod > Kalendář událostí > Seminars > Ivan Blatný, Langston Hughes: Translation, Transnationality, and the Blues