The latest issue of Litteraria Pragensia, “Literature and the Environment,” edited by Petra Johana Poncarová and Robin MacKenzie, has just been released. All essays are available in open access through the journal website. The issue is part of strategic partnership between University of St Andrews and Charles University.
- Petra Johana Poncarová and Robin MacKenzie: Introduction: Literature and the Environment
- Roslyn Irving: Literary Form and Coastal Sublimity in Ann Radcliffe’s The Romance of the Forest
- Rachael Eleanor Murray: “A bird, or boat, or any thing”: Weedy Entanglement and Oceanic Freedom in Eliza Cook’s Anthropomorphous World
- Daniela Theinová: Hospitality, Home, and the Environment in the Works of Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh and Simon Ó Faoláin
- Petra Johana Poncarová: Deireadh an Fhoghair and the Environment
- Marion Troxler: Resisting Domination: Merfolk and the Beach in Amy Sackville’s Orkney
- Monika Kocot: On “Borrowing Landscapes” and “Shared Consciousness”: Alec Finlay and Ken Cockburn’s Collaborative Projects Writing Through Matsuo Bashō’s Oku no Hosomichi
- Monika Szuba and Julian Wolfreys: Listening to the Environment: Alice Oswald’s D(eco)nstruction
- Charles Sabatos: Kafka’s Scottish Translators: Willa and Edwin Muir between Anglophone and Central European Modernism
- Ondřej Pilný: Finally Available: Maura Laverty’s Dublin Dramas
- Einat Adar: Staging Myles: Performance and Performativity in Brian O’Nolan